Organizing committee of 18th Kyiv International Advertising Festival announces jury of contests of OUT OF HOME and ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. The jury team includes representatives from USA, Russia, Belarus, Georgia, Germany, Israel, Latvia and Thailand.
The judges will evaluate all types of outdoor advertising and advertising campaigns with two or more kinds of media and/or non-media communications. They will evaluate the originality of ideas, solutions and ways of technology usage, and as well the quality of implementation.
Jury members of OOH & ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS contests are repeated winners of international festivals/contests and participants of the international jury teams (Cannes Lions, New York Festivals, ADC*E, Golden Drum, Epica etc.), professionals from 8 countries.
The OOH & ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS jury of 18th KIAF includes:
- Aaron Alamo, Creative Director at Momentum Worldwide, USA
- Anton Melnikov, Vice President of Creative and Strategy at e:mg, Russia
- Dmytry German, Managing Director at AIDA Pioneer Branding & Creative company, Belarus
- Eka Kipiani, Creative Director at JWT Metro, Georgia
- Franz Röppischer, Creative Innovation Director at Serviceplan, Germany
- Gilad Kat, Global Planning Lead at MediaCom Worldwide, Israel
- Kestutis Isakas, Chief Marketing Officer at Reaton, Latvia
- Shradha Dudeja , Strategy Director at Havas Worldwide Thailand, Thailand
Kyiv International Advertising Festival is open to all parties and organizations involved in advertising, production, media, PR, design and creative industries throughout the world. Only entries that have been published or represented in the mass-media or embodied in other form (accepted by the client) during January 2016 – April 2017 incl. are accepted for participation in the competition program of the Kyiv International Advertising Festival.
Entry Deadline is on 21 April 2017.
If you have any questions, please, contact organization committee by phone (0038044) 490-90-30 or via mail [email protected] – Kateryna Grabovskaya.